Climbing the wall were three little cats
Their ears were sharp like those of a bat
They must run lots as none were fat
So cute and adorable to just look at
I wanted to reach over and give each a pat
But they didn't look in the mood to chat
The trio were obviously told to scat
From whichever place they formerly sat
Maybe from beneath a lady's hat
Or hiding from a sharp-fanged rat
Or a restaurant owner pointing a gat
Who found them licking milk from his vat
Possibly the triplets had a ferocious spat
With a pack of dogs with powerful lats
Barely escaping through a fence with slats
A threesome of kittens can be pesky like gnats
But never could any one be called a brat
Maybe they search for a welcome mat
Where kittens aren't made to give tit for tat
Just a lap full of love...and that was that
© pending Susan R. O’Brien
Adorable kitty poem. Such a cute photograph.