Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Golden Years

Memories start to fade away
Like a dream hard to remember
Tomorrow may forget today
Yesterday a floating ember
Blue skies dissolve to hazy gray
April collides with December      

Familiar strangers hold your hand
Smiling faces you scarce recall
Voices echo from a distant land
Obscure photographs on the wall
Golden years so eagerly planned
Not unlike a masquerade ball

Bucolic paths for tranquil walks
Serene adventures that you seek
Quiet times for reflective talks
Lauded right to let silence speak
No pressing need to race the clock
Youthful desires past their peak

You journey your last few miles
Notice your world dwindle in size
Respectful of all life’s trials
How countless years have made you wise
Go forth with endearing smiles
Keep the glow in your sparkling eyes

© pending Susan R. O’Brien


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