These manicured nails
Symbol of opulence or
Facade of purpose
© pending Susan R. O’Brien
I find pleasure writing poetry; I am easily lost in the cadence of verse. Like a fine ballet or an intense tango, poetry evokes emotion. I also possess a life-long passion for photography; the satisfaction of capturing an emotive moment in time is very rewarding. Both of these passions vie for my time and now both will share the creative stage. Ekphrastic poetry is the artistic outlet that allows photography to be embraced by the choreography of word and rhythm. Welcome to my cabaret!
© pending Susan R. O’Brien
Climbing the wall were three little cats
Their ears were sharp like those of a bat
They must run lots as none were fat
So cute and adorable to just look at
I wanted to reach over and give each a pat
But they didn't look in the mood to chat
The trio were obviously told to scat
From whichever place they formerly sat
Maybe from beneath a lady's hat
Or hiding from a sharp-fanged rat
Or a restaurant owner pointing a gat
Who found them licking milk from his vat
Possibly the triplets had a ferocious spat
With a pack of dogs with powerful lats
Barely escaping through a fence with slats
A threesome of kittens can be pesky like gnats
But never could any one be called a brat
Maybe they search for a welcome mat
Where kittens aren't made to give tit for tat
Just a lap full of love...and that was that
© pending Susan R. O’Brien
© pending Susan R. O’Brien
© pending Susan R. O’Brien
Rocker aside the hearth
Purring cat on braided rug
Shawl draped over narrow shoulders
"aging gracefully"